Saturday, February 26, 2011

Favourite Photo

1. At night, when it is dark, light will be emitted from the lamp post. The light is a bright yellowish white, and the bright light make me feel comfortable.

2. The trees display different shades of green, from light green to dark green. I like the nature, and this wonderful sight of different shades of green always leave me amazed by the nature.

3. At the beautifully coloured with blue and brown playground, there would occasionally be children playing there, and I would hear voices of children laughing and talking.

4. The shelter, on the left, with bright colours of brown and peach, provides shelter for those who seek it, and when one sits inside, one will be able to feel and smell the wind bringing the sweet scent of the flowers beside.

From Distances: "like a little dessert roll-bug" - Simile
             "cold stone wall" - Assonance 
             "bone-dry City" - Simile

From The Hobbit: Hobbit - Personification
             "nasty, dirty, wet hole" - Assonance
             "his garden, and meadows beyond, sloping down to the river" - Imagery

The best two sentences (adding example of a metaphor, simile or personification):

1. The trees stood as straight as arrows (simile), displaying different shades of green, from light green to dark green. I like the nature, and this wonderful sight of different shades of green always leave me amazed by the nature.

2. The shelter, on the left, with bright colours of brown and peach, provides shelter for those who seek it, and when one sits inside, one will be able to feel and smell the wind bringing the sweet scent of the flowers,which danced along with the wind (personification), beside the shelter.

Rewriting the better sentence - elaborate to establish the mood I wish to establish and eliminate any words pr phrases that do not fit in this mood:

1. The shelter, on the left, with bright colours of brown and peach, provides a cool and relaxing area for those who seek it, and when one sits inside, one will be able to feel and smell the wind bringing the sweet scent of the flowers,which danced along with the wind (personification). - Happy and relaxing mood

Expanding to three well-developed paragraphs:

      The blistering sun shone over the beautiful and lovely shelter, standing magnificently by its own. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and being in a happy mood, I was skipping all the way to the shelter. The shelter was in a beautifully coated brown and peach, just like a human standing in a coat of brown or peach.
      I stepped into the shelter. Ah. Immediately, I could feel myself cool and relaxed. The stone-hard but comfortable stone chairs in the shelter invited me to have a seat on them. Sitting down, I closed my eyes. I could hear voices from children nearby, at the playground. Then, I felt the wind. What a lovely breeze blowing! The wind brings the sweet scent, from the flowers, to my nose. It smelled like perfume.
     Finally, I opened m eyes. I turned my eyes to those flowers beside the shelter. The beautiful colour of the flowers made me excited. As I am watching, there was suddenly a wind, and the flowers seemed to be dancing to the rhythm. Moreover, they seemed to be inviting me to have a dance too. I walked to the flowers, light on my feet. I knelt down on one of my legs. I touched the petals of the flowers. It was smooth and beautiful. However, it was the scent that was the best. They smelled like honey. As I walked back to the stone chairs and had a seat, I was unable to resist closing my eyes and smell the delicious scent. Then, I slowly drifted away...

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