Thursday, January 13, 2011

Narrative Activity - Answers to Big Fish

1. The phrase is an ironic phrase to me, showing the contrast between the fish and the pond. An example of such a contrast will be an eagle, thinking that it is a chicken and does not try to fly, and in the end, its wings will never be able to let it fly.

2. The purpose is to show he’s affection for his family, his love for his wife and wanting to impress his son.

3. William Bloom was amazed by his father tale and looked up to him as a boy. However, as he gets older, he starts to get unhappy and frustrated at his father for repeating the tale again and again.

4. He wants to improve the relationship between him and his sone by impressing him with the tale.

5. The relationship between Edward and William Bloom became more and more strained as William grew more and more annoyed at his father’s tale.

6. Exaggerated stories match this description. The effect of telling a story in this way might be causing people to not believe it, or suspicious of it.

7. It makes the story more unbelievable, since some parts of the bending or exaggeration might not be realistic and cause suspicion. Therefore, it is much less valid than a straight reportage of the facts.

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