Monday, August 9, 2010

Poem Analysis

Q2) Snapshotland is a land far away, something magical. It is also a relaxing place about taking photographs.

Q4) People in Snapshotland not growing old, people are always happy

Q5) "Snapshotland is the promised land" - metaphor
       "right" and "sight" - assonance
       "smooth sand", "smile and smile and smile" etc - alliteration

Q6) Description of time freezing is a lot and there are many words that start with 's'

Q7) There is always something about happiness in the poem (every stanza has something about it) and time is like frozen

Q8) The people in Snapshotland are photographs.

Q9a) Third Person

Q9b) General Public

Q9c) Relaxed

Q9d) Relaxed

Q9e) It shows the time of Snapshotland

Q9f) It allows people to feel the happiness in Snapshotland

1 comment:

  1. Actually "right" and "sight" are rhymes, not assonance. Other than that, I agree with your description of the poem on the overall, though I think that Q9e) could be improved slightly as the lines are relatively long, so they could symbolise the eternity of photos and length of time.
